Jenkins Important Interview Question

7 min read

  1. What’s the difference between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment?

    • Continuous Integration refers to the practice of frequently integrating code changes from multiple developers into a shared repository. The primary goal of CI is to detect and resolve integration issues as early as possible.

    • With CI, developers typically commit their changes to a version control system, which triggers an automated build process and runs a series of tests to ensure the codebase remains stable. It promotes collaboration and early bug detection, helping teams catch and fix integration problems quickly.

    • Continuous Delivery extends CI by automating the release process of software changes. This process includes additional steps, such as environment provisioning, running further tests (e.g., integration, acceptance, and performance tests), and generating deployable artifacts (e.g., executable files, container images, or installation packages). The output of CD is a deployable software package that can be manually or automatically deployed to any environment.

    • Continuous Deployment takes the concept of Continuous Delivery one step further by automating the release of software changes directly to production. Continuous Deployment is typically employed when teams have high confidence in their CI/CD processes, extensive automated testing, and robust monitoring systems. It enables rapid and frequent software releases, minimizing the time between development and delivery.

  2. Benefits of CI/CD

    • Faster Time to Market: CI/CD practices streamline the software release process, allowing teams to deliver new features, bug fixes, and improvements more rapidly.

    • Faster Feedback Loop: CI/CD enables developers to receive immediate feedback on their code changes.

  3. What is meant by CI-CD?

    • CI-CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment. It is a software development practice that combines two distinct processes: continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment.
  4. What is Jenkins Pipeline?

    • provides an extensible way to define and orchestrate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

    • It allows teams to define their entire software delivery process as code, enabling them to version, track, and automate the steps involved in building, testing, and deploying their applications.

  5. How do you configure the job in Jenkins?

    • jobs are the task or series of steps that have to run to configure the application.

      • step1: install Jenkins in EC2 or localhost machine.

      • step2: create a job by clicking "new item" or "create a job"

      • Step 3: define configuration: such as build triggers, build execution, etc.

      • step 4: save and run.

  6. Where do you find errors in Jenkins?

    • we can find an error in the console output section

    • click on the built task present in the left corner then select console output.

  7. In Jenkins how can you find log files?

    • Navigate to the Jenkins dashboard and locate the job for which you want to access the log files.

    • Click on the job name to go to the job's detail page.

    • On the left-hand side menu, click on the "Build History" or "Builds" link. This will display a list of all the builds for that job.

    • Identify the specific build for which you want to access the log files and click on its build number or build link.

    • On the build detail page, you will see a list of build steps and their status. Look for a link or button that allows you to view the console output or logs for that build.

    • Click on the "Console Output" or similar link/button to access the log files.

  8. Jenkins workflow and write a script for this workflow?

    • Jenkins Workflow, also known as Jenkins Pipeline, is a powerful feature that allows you to define your build process as code. It provides a way to create, manage, and visualize continuous integration and delivery pipelines in Jenkins. With Jenkins Workflow, you can define your build steps, dependencies, and conditions in a script-like format, allowing for flexible and scalable automation.

        pipeline {
            agent any
            stages {
                stage('Build') {
                    steps {
                        // Build your project here
                        sh 'mvn clean install'
                stage('Test') {
                    steps {
                        // Run tests here
                        sh 'mvn test'
                stage('Deploy') {
                    steps {
                        // Deploy your application here
                        sh 'mvn deploy'
            post {
                always {
                    // Clean up or perform any post-build actions here
                    echo 'Pipeline execution completed.'
                success {
                    // Actions to perform when the pipeline succeeds
                    echo 'Pipeline succeeded.'
                failure {
                    // Actions to perform when the pipeline fails
                    echo 'Pipeline failed.'
  9. How to create a continuous deployment in Jenkins?

    • Create a Jenkins job: In Jenkins, create a new job by navigating to the Jenkins dashboard and clicking on "New Item" or "Create New Job." Give your job a name and choose the appropriate project type. In this case, you'll likely want to use a "Pipeline" project.

    • Configure the pipeline script: In the job configuration, locate the section for defining the pipeline script. You can either write the script directly in the Jenkins UI or store it in a version-controlled file (e.g., Jenkinsfile). The pipeline script defines the stages, steps, and conditions for your deployment pipeline. Refer to the Jenkins Pipeline documentation for detailed syntax and available functionality.

    • Define stages and steps: Inside your pipeline script, define the stages and steps required for your deployment process. Common stages include build, test, deploy, and release. Each stage will have specific steps to execute, such as pulling code, running tests, building artifacts, and deploying to target environments.

    • Configure triggers: Determine when you want your deployment pipeline to run. You can configure triggers based on events such as code changes (e.g., GitHub webhook), time-based schedules, or manual triggers. For example, you can set up Jenkins to automatically trigger a deployment whenever changes are pushed to the main branch of your repository.

    • save and run it.

      (it is a basic CD pipeline configuration in Jenkins)

  10. How to build a job in Jenkins?

    • go to the dashboard -> create a job -> configure -> build and run.
  11. Why do we use a pipeline in Jenkins?

    • to integrate CI/CD in one click

    • jenkins ensure that all the commits to code are integrated and deployed automatically

  12. Is Only Jenkins enough for automation?

    • Jenkins primarily focuses on automating the build, test, and deployment processes, and provides a platform for running jobs and pipelines. However, there are other aspects of automation that Jenkins may not cover entirely.

    • eg. to test code we need selenium, to orchestrate many servers we need Kubernetes, to monitor and alert we need Prometheus, etc.

  13. How will you handle secrets?

    • Use Credentials Plugin: Jenkins provides the Credentials Plugin, which allows you to securely store and manage sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, API tokens, or SSH keys. Use this plugin to define and store your secrets within Jenkins.

    • Store Secrets in Jenkins Credentials: Avoid hardcoding secrets directly in Jenkins files or build scripts. Instead, reference the secrets by their credential IDs defined in the Credentials Plugin. This way, secrets are kept secure and can be easily managed within Jenkins.

    • Restrict Access to Secrets: Limit access to sensitive information and credentials to only those who need them. Grant appropriate permissions and ensure that access control is properly configured in Jenkins. Regularly review and audit access to secrets to maintain security.

  14. Explain diff stages in CI-CD setup

    • Source Code Management: This stage involves managing your source code in a version control system like Git or Subversion.

    • Continuous Integration (CI): In the CI stage, developers' code changes are frequently merged into a shared repository.

      This stage ensures that the code is integrated successfully and doesn't break the build.

    • Build: In this stage, the CI server retrieves the latest codebase and compiles/builds the project.

    • Automated Testing: Once the build is complete, the automated testing stage kicks in.

    • Continuous Deployment (CD): In the CD stage, the validated and approved build artifacts are deployed to target environments.

  15. Name some of the plugins in Jenkin.

    • Git Plugin: Integrates Jenkins with Git, allowing you to clone, fetch, and manage Git repositories.

    • Pipeline Plugin: Provides support for defining and managing pipelines as code using Jenkinsfile. It allows you to create sophisticated continuous delivery pipelines.

    • Docker Plugin: Integrates Jenkins with Docker, enabling you to build, publish, and deploy Docker containers as part of your CI/CD process.